
by MeetYu



MeetYus mission is to empower individuals to unlock the scientifically-proven benefits of preserving...

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MeetYus mission is to empower individuals to unlock the scientifically-proven benefits of preserving, reflecting upon, and utilizing their memories. In todays fast-paced world, countless precious moments slip away unnoticed and unappreciated. Without MeetYu, you miss out on the opportunity to learn from your past experiences, strengthen relationships, and foster personal growth. Dont let another memory fade; embrace the power of MeetYu and seize the chance to enrich your life journey starting today. Visit for more information.Keep Your Everyday Memories SafeWhat did you do 4 days ago? What about 4 weeks or even 4 months ago? With Meetyu youll never lose those precious memories.Welcome Good AND Bad DaysOur good days are only meaningful because our lives are not always like that. Meetyu saves your roller coaster ride in life. You can enjoy watching it like never before.Let Your Family & Friends ParticipateIn our busy lives we can sometimes lose touch with our family & friends. Meetyu makes it simple & fun to let you share certain memories with people you care about while keeping personal ones private. Get the Best Memory Book No standard photo book tells the full story around the photographs. But Meetyu does! In a powerful way, it allows you to capture your thoughts while capturing your photographs. And you can print your very own book of memories from a trip, a season, or a whole year. Create Your Own Map of the WorldWe see many places as we walk through life. But after some time passes, can we really tell where exactly we were and the fleeting thoughts we had? Meetyu lets you capture that in a simple & rewarding way.So Much More. Get the App & Explore!Its our vision to help YOU live a happier and meaningful life - without telling you what to do. We provide you with free, fun & powerful app that lets you capture, reflect and tell your lifes story.LicensesThis app uses open-source packages, and we acknowledge their authors and licenses as follows: hive_generator, hive_flutter, hive by Simon Leier, Apache 2.0 flutter_rating_bar by Sarbagya Dhaubanjar, MIT image_picker by Paul Burke, Apache 2.0 build_runner by Dart project authors, BSD-3-Clause provider by Remi Rousselet, MIT intl by The project authors, BSD-3-Clause cupertino_icons by Vladimir Kharlampidi, MIT path_provider, share_plus, url_launcher, video_player, webview_flutter by The Flutter Authors, BSD-3-Clause flutter_launcher_icons by Mark OSullivan, MIT settings_ui by, Apache 2.0 flutter_map, Copyright (c) Vladimir Agafonkin, CloudMade, BSD-3-Clause latlong2 by Michael Mitterer, Apache 2.0 fl_chart by Flutter 4 Fun, MIT font_awesome_flutter by Brian Egan, Michael Spiss, MIT flutter_map_location_marker by tlserver, BSD-3-Clause location_picker_flutter_map by Michael Maher, MIT geolocator, permission_handler by Baseflow, MIT file_picker by Miguel Ruivo, MIT flutter_pdfview by endigo, MIT flutter_local_notifications by Michael Bui, BSD-3-Clause table_calendar by The Flutter Authors, Apache 2.0 flutter_native_splash by Jon Hanson, MIT location by Guillaume Bernos, MIT smooth_page_indicator by Milad Akarie, MIT audio_waveforms by Simform Solutions, MIT archive by Brendan Duncan, MIT flutter_cache_manager by Rene Floor, MIT record by openapi4j authors, BSD-3-Clause just_sound byRyan Heise & contributors, MIT rxdart by, Apache License, Version 2.0 device_info_plus by The Chromium authors, BSD-3-ClauseThank you to all authors and organizations for their valuable contributions to the developer community.